Watering Restrictions

Watering Restrictions

Stage 2 watering restrictions now in place

NR thumbnail - Lawn Watering 2023

Richmond residents, like everyone across Metro Vancouver, are reminded to keep those taps turned off a bit more starting today (Friday, August 4).

The region has moved to Stage 2 watering restrictions for the first time since 2015 due to continued high water demand and ongoing hot, dry weather. Under Stage 2 restrictions:

  • All lawn watering is prohibited
  • Trees, shrubs, and flowers can be watered by hand or using soaker hoses or drip irrigation at any time, or by using a sprinkler between 5 and 9 a.m. any day
  • No new Water Restriction Exemption Permits will be issued or renewed for watering new lawns or lawns being treated for European Chafer Beetle
  • Vegetable gardens can be watered at any time
  • Aesthetic water features, such as fountains, cannot be filled or topped up
  • Washing impermeable surfaces like driveways and sidewalks is prohibited except in limited circumstances

The restrictions only apply to the use of treated drinking/tap water. Restrictions do not apply to the use of rainwater, grey water (wastewater from baths, sinks, washing machines and other kitchen appliances), any forms of recycled water, or other sources of water outside of the municipal water supply.

The Stage 2 restrictions are supported and enforced by the City through Richmond’s Water Use Restriction Bylaw No. 7784 and will continue until further notice from Metro Vancouver. Violating the restrictions could result in fines of $200 or more.

For water-wise lawn care tips, everyday water conservation tips, and more information about Metro Vancouver’s lawn watering regulations, visit www.welovewater.ca or email the City at savewater@richmond.ca.